One Touch Switch now available

West Oxfordshire

About this project

We’ve been working in partnership with West Oxfordshire District Council to provide ultrafast full fibre broadband to 11,000 rural homes and businesses across some of the hardest-to-reach rural locations across West Oxfordshire. West Oxfordshire District Council has enabled this project to go ahead with funds of £1.5m, matched by the Government’s Building Digital UK program (BDUK).

West Oxfordshire District Council logo

Below you can see an estimate of when your new ultrafast full fibre broadband network will be coming to your area (subject to change). Our project in partnership with West Oxfordshire District Council is divided into cabinet areas:

West Oxfordshire

Under the programme of works in partnership with West Oxfordshire District Council, 4,800 homes and businesses will benefit from access to a new ultrafast full fibre network directly to each property. In addition, we will be investing commercially in expanding the network to 6,200 extra homes and businesses, meaning a total of 11,000 properties are set to benefit from the new network. The orange shaded areas on the map below illustrate the communities that will be connected when each new full fibre cabinet is deployed. We will be building your new network in stages and you will be able to see on this page the areas where we are currently building and where we will starting next.
