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Leicestershire Gigaclear Build Update

We're bringing full fibre broadband to Lutterworth, Oakham and Cottesmore

Join us for an online event where our Community Engagement Manager will provide the latest updates on the Gigaclear network build in the Leicestershire area.

Learn how our ultrafast, reliable internet can help you connect multiple devices seamlessly, with the speed you need for all your online activities.

Trusted by over 125,000 customers, Gigaclear delivers fast, reliable full-fibre broadband to rural communities, transforming how people live and work.

Why are we faster?

No old copper wires, or fibre stopping at the cabinet down the road. We run full fibre into your home, so you get seriously fast speeds unaffected by your rural location, distance or number of users.

So up to 15x faster download and up to 77x faster upload speeds than part fibre.

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Bridging the digital divide in rural communities

We're on a mission to bring the fastest full fibre broadband to rural Britain

The rural broadband champions
Our rural mission
We're on a mission to bring the fastest full fibre broadband to rural Britain
Connecting communities
We connect rural communities to full fibre in six easy steps
Rural Sports Club Fund
A £75,000 fund to help rural sports clubs in Gigaclear's broadband network communities.
If you'd like to join us, make sure to register your interest to receive updates on your community
Click to register