One Touch Switch now available

Private Land Works Information

What is a Network Access Agreement (NAA)?
Why did I receive a Network Access Agreement?
What happens if I don't sign the Network Access Agreement?
What does Gigaclear mean by receipt of a peppercorn?
Is Gigaclear allowed to install its equipment on private land?
Does Gigaclear’s work affect my land ownership rights?
Do I own the equipment on my land?
Do you make any special arrangement for agricultural land?
What happens if I accidentally damage Gigaclear's equipment?
What happens if Gigaclear need to inspect or repair the enquipment?
What if I am concerned Gigaclear has built on my property?
What is a POT?
What is an Access only Agreement?

Works on / within buildings

Works on / within buildings (MDU / CI Specific)

Access Arrangements (Survey)
Ongoing Access Arrangements
Listed buildings & visual impact
Does the equipment pose any threat to my property?
Will it cost me anything?
Is Gigaclear allowed to install its equipment on private property?

For more information and to speak to our regional Network Access Teams please use the contact details below


Macro-RegionCounty Council areasRegional Email contact
CentralWarwickshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Hampshire, Surrey, Wiltshire, West Sussex, East Sussex, Kent and Staffordshire


WestGloucestershire, Herefordshire,
South WestWiltshire, North Somerset, Dorset, Devon, BANES Mendip, Sedgemoor, Somerset West, Taunton, South Somerset and Somerset County
EastEssex, Hertfordshire, Suffolk,
Northamptonshire, Cambridgeshire, Rutland, Milton Keynes, Leicestershire,