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CPI Guide

CPI Guide.jpg

From October 2023 and each year thereafter, we’ll adjust the monthly amount you pay for our broadband services and increase by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) plus 3.5% in line with your terms and conditions. 

Our guide will provide you with more detail on CPI plus 3.5% increase and if they’ll apply to your service. 


Will these price increases apply to me? 

If you placed an order or pre-order for one of our residential broadband services between the 1 March 2022 and 2 July 2023 or you are an existing customer that has entered into a new minimum term between the 1 March 2022 and 2 July 2023, then from October 2023 the monthly price of your service will increase by CPI plus 3.5% in line with your terms and conditions and as explained in more detail below. 


These price increases will not apply to you if you are on a fixed price residential broadband service ordered before the 1 March 2022 unless you entered into a new minimum term after the 1 March 2022. 


What is the Consumer Price Index (CPI)? 

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is published by the Office for National Statistics. It measures the average change from month to month in the prices of goods and services purchased by most households in the UK by looking at what they cost last year and what they cost now and finding the difference. A new index is published every month. We will use the CPI published in July 2023 and then the relevant CPI published every July thereafter.   


What prices will increase by CPI plus 3.5%? 

All of our residential broadband services ordered between 1 March 2022 and 2 July 2023 will see a price increase of CPI plus 3.5% on or after 1st October every year from October 2023 in line with your terms and conditions.  


How much more will I pay based on the CPI price rise? 

Here are some examples of our current broadband packages to give you an idea of how the price rise works. This is based on the CPI published in January 2022 of 5.4% plus 3.5% giving a total percentage increase to the monthly price of 8.9%.  


CPI_Guide Table

How will the CPI plus 3.5% price increases work? 

On or after the 1 October every year from October 2023 we’ll increase the monthly price of your broadband service by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) published by the Office for National Statistics in July of that year plus 3.5%. If the published CPI is negative, we’ll only increase your prices by 3.5% in the relevant year. Other prices, content and terms may also change during your contract. The price change will be reflected in your first bill after 1st October 2023. 

The calculated increase will be rounded up to the nearest whole pence. 

When will you tell me my prices are going up? 

We'll need to wait for the CPI to be published each July to work out how it will change your price. We'll aim to inform our customers by email by the 31 August each year.  


Can I cancel my contract because of these changes? 

If we notify you that we are increasing the price of your broadband in line with CPI plus 3.5% and you choose to terminate your contract with us because of this, then you will need to pay any early termination charges if you’re still within your minimum term.