Switching is easy

Acceptable Use Policy

This policy applies to Gigaclear customers and anyone properly authorised by a customer to use the services we provide over our network.  It is effective from the date shown at the top, and may be changed by us at any time, so please check regularly to see the latest version. Our network enables you to access the internet for a multitude of purposes. We want you to make full use of the services we provide to you, but only in ways which are within the law and which don’t cause harm. We provide our service to a named customer, generally the person who pays the bill. This policy forms part of our terms of business for all customers.  It is the responsibility of our named customer to make sure that anyone they allow to use the services complies with this Acceptable Use Policy.


Using our services

You have full control over what data you choose to upload or download to the internet and we cannot see or monitor the content of the packets of data which you send and receive over our network. However, we do monitor the type and amount of data packets flowing through our network to ensure good network performance and to guard against any activity aimed at harming our customers or our network.  For the same reasons, we will also monitor the number of calls you make using our home phone service, the length of the call and the destination.  Further information about use of our home phone service is available here.  Further information about how we manage your personal data can be found in our Privacy Policy


Unless we have agreed otherwise with you, there is no usage cap.  We manage our network to ensure that we are able to provde the required capacity for our customers.   We will monitor and manage the traffic flowing through our network to ensure that all our customers have the best possible service and no customer is using the service in a way which is excessive or unreasonable or which harms or restricts other customers.


Once your traffic reaches our data centres, it is subject to the terms of the onward carrriers which may, at times apply different protocols according to the type of traffic.  For example, voice traffic is generally prioritised over data, but this should have no effect on normal use of our service. example, voice traffic is generally prioritised over data, but this should have no effect on normal use of our service.


What is ‘acceptable’ use?

Customers must use our services within the law and without infringing the rights of anyone else or causing any harm. This is what we mean by acceptable use and any other use of our services is ‘unacceptable’.

Below we have listed some examples of uses of our network which are unacceptable, either because the use is illegal, malicious, harmful to others or will interfere with the operation of our network. This list is not exhaustive and we may deem any use to be unacceptable


Examples of unacceptable use:

  • Using the service in any way which is or is intended to be, criminal, fraudulent or otherwise illegal.
  • Using the service to harm, or attempt to harm children or any other vulnerable person.
  • Using the service to threaten, harass, stalk, abuse or in any way violate the rights of others
  • Using the service for any malicious activity, including spam calls, nuisance calls or any unsolicited calls or advertising.
  • Breaking, or trying to break, the security of anyone else’s equipment, hardware or software without the owner’s express permission;
  • Uploading, downloading, posting, publishing or transmiting any information or software that is protected by copyright or other ownership rights without the permission of its owner;
  • Copying or distributing any software that we provide (but you may make a backup copy of any software that we provide for your personal use);
  • Using any Internet Protocol (IP) address that Gigaclear has not assigned to you, or impersonating another user, whether on our network or external to our network.
  • Using the services in a way that (i) risks degradation of service levels to other customers, (ii) puts Gigaclear’s systems at risk or (iii) interferes with or attempts to interfere with the operation of any of Gigaclear’s equipment, services or its websiteor  (iv) interferes with or attempts to interfere with the normal running of any website or any other web resource;
  • Knowingly transmiting any data, sending or uploading any material that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time-bombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware or any other harmful programs or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of any computer software or hardware.
  • Running open mail relays or open web proxies or similar services that can allow unknown third parties to use your connection without your knowledge or control;
  • Modifying identifying network header information in order to deceive or mislead.


Consequences of breaching this policy

We will take action if we know or suspect that you are using our service in a way which we believe is unacceptable. We will attempt to contact you before taking any action, but we reserve the right to take immediate action to suspend or restrict your service without notice where we reasonably believe there is the risk of significant harm to our network or to a third party  The action we take may include:

  1. Investigation
  2. Applying restrictions to your service
  3. Temporary suspension of your service
  4. Termination of your service

We may receive a complaint about your use of the Internet from a third party. If it comes through a formal legal process (e.g. a Court Order) then we will follow the appropriate legal steps, which may lead us to take one of the actions above.



The security of our network and the protection of our customers is a key priority and we ask that you do your part to ensure that risks to your own home network and to our wider network are avoided wherever possible.

Any passwords we give you to access our services must be kept secure and not shared with any third party unless they have permission from our named customer to use the connection to our services within the limits of this policy, in the normal course of use in residential or business settings.  If you are in any doubt about the security of your password, or you believe it has been stolen or unlawfully used, please contact our customer services team immediately.

Your router and WiFi nodes use encryption to protect the integrity of your data connection.  However, you are responsible for the security and protection of any device which you use to access the internet using our service.  We are not responsible for the loss of any data you control while using our service.


Contact us

If you have any queries about this policy or are concerned about any use of our services, please contact our customers services team support@gigaclear.com.