Switching is easy

Contact Us

If you are a Gigaclear customer and need assistance with your broadband service, please contact our Customer Operations team on 01865 591 131 or email at Support@Gigaclear.com


In addition to the contact details below, existing customers can access their account through the Customer Portal on our website My Account where you can self-service many billing or account issues. Use our live chat or our Support page or the My Account area for help with the most common issues.

Opening hours



Monday-Friday - 9am - 7:30pm

Saturday - 9am - 5.30pm

Bank Holidays - 10am - 5pm

T: 03708 637 606

E: sales@gigaclear.com


Customer Service

Monday-Friday - 8am - 8pm (Phone lines open 8am – 7pm)

Saturday - 9am - 5.30pm

Sunday - 10am - 3pm Live Chat Only

Bank Holidays - 10am - 5pm

T: 01865 591 131

Chat with us


Get in touch


Media Enquiries

For all press and media enquiries about our products or services, please contact the press office.

E: media.enquiries@gigaclear.com


Head Office

Gigaclear Ltd, Building One, Wyndyke Furlong, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 1UQ. 

T: 01865 591 100

E: hello@gigaclear.com